Week 6  - 7th February '99

Searching for the elusive Lolo

So much have been said about Lolo and we had not been there. The waterfall at the Hulu Langat dam!

This weekend Vincent was unavailable. So the 3 of us, Joyce, Khoo and I tried our luck in meeting up with Lolo. The security guards at the Gate of the Hulu Langat Dam was not very sure where the waterfalls is but believed that it is along the track to Gunong Nuang! So "Nuang -here we come!".

Just beside the main gate to the left, there is a paved road and very near to the turn off is a small car park to serve the chalet dwellers. Business must be poor, as the car park was empty that morning when we left our jalopy there.

The laterite road after the car park is broad and hard, but half-covered with weeds overgrown from both sides. After a kilometer or so, we regretted for not knowing the place well beforehand otherwise we could have covered this distance by car too.

Very soon, less than a kilometer up the slope, there is a T-junction to turn right. This is the heart of the coniferous forest. The gradient changes from a very slight slope to a rather steep climb. The road continues to be broad and in good condition except some short patches where the gushing rainwater had broken up the surfaces. This scene put off our ambitious plan of bringing the car. By then we had covered over 2 kilometers. The climb uphill went on unabated without a level stretch. Khoo began falling back. Somewhere near the half way mark, he decided that he would like longer breaks. Joyce and I should proceed if we wanted to and so we did! But where is the waterfall?

Then came the first relief. A level 300 meters stretch was quickly interrupted by a very steep ascend followed by an equally steep descend! Good sign- we must be in some form of saddle or ridge!



True enough right in front is the patch of bamboo forest. Large tall stems of 20 meters lined the track and confirmed by a Forestry Department signboard that this is the bamboo forest.

1 We set off - found this iconic landmark The Bamboo Forest

From the bamboo forest comes the sounds of rushing water. A village lodge! Now there were more signs of human presence. Farmers doing shifting cultivation could use the hut. So far we had gone over 5 hillocks. But, we were unsure of the turn-off to the waterfall, still frantically waiting for the first hint to head down the ravine, to the rushing sound.

A steep slope again and behold-at the end of which, is the picnic area. All this while the whole stretch of the 4 kms track is accessible by 4WD vehicles. There are sheds for shelter, picnic benches and steps to descend to the stream.

2 We passed the Water catchment and proceed up to Gunong Nuang

From the looks of things, this is a very old recreation area and very often visited. From here we could see the track that leads up to Gunong Nuang.

It continues as a "single track". Across the river the transport pipe for the Mini-hydro continue to the upper reaches of the river. There is no fall but a series of rapids and cascades.


3 Water catchment Retention Pond

We stopped by a house. The occupants looked like Asli. The house appeared to be the resident for the attendant who oversee the water pipes.

4 Sorry only steep slope and NO Waterfall

Disappointed we back trek and made our way disapponted. Then the sounds of rushing water

5 Through the foliages only this scene -water rushing down a ravine

6 Cannot say, this spot could be that of a a "waterfall"

7 The Lolo Waterfall - a picture I obtain months later from a buddy


This day was a good example of day's outing and returned empty handed - Mission not accomplished

Khong's Travel Guide