Malaysian Birds - Munia

From the family of Estridinea

Munias belong to a group of birds that are very familiar to Malaysian homes. That is, they hang around open fields in residential area. Well, most of them do! Their distinctive features:- powerful, short conical bills. They feed on grains, move about in flocks and though softly but are noisy feeders.

Munias belong to a group of birds that are very familiar to Malaysian homes. That is, they are seen among the tall grasses in open fields. Here is the list of Munias. 

The most common species among them all - the Scaly-breasted Munia. Next are the 2 other species that residents in the padi fields or in more rural areas would not miss seeing - the White-headed and Black-headed Munias.

The White-rumped though appear on both lowlands and high hills stays further away from residential places. Though Munias these days are popular stock items in Pet shop, I still have not verified any reasons for its popularity as cage birds. Are they? Rather being purchased by followers of Buddhist faith and released as freed birds.


1. Black-headed Munia


2.Scaly-breasted Munia



3. White-headed Munia


4. White-rumped Munia
5. Javan Sparrow


I find it interesting to have the Java Sparrow in this page. First reason is that this beautiful bird though transacted in good numbers through the Pet shop was never considered for an introduced species. At last, some devotees had use the species for release and now seeing the small colony growing in size.

Next thing I know, this species of Javan Sparrow with some much similarities,  was grouped together with the Munias once upon a time.

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