
Malaysian Birds



There are 174 species in the Thrush family, and they are often soft, plump medium-sized birds. They have wide-ranging distributions, and many inhabit wooded areas. Most feed on the ground and are insectivorous but eat other creatures like worms and snails.  The Thrush is a family of birds that includes more than 200 different species. The term “thrush” is used to describe a wide variety of songbirds, all of which share some common physical characteristics.

While many Thrush species are similar in behavior, they typically have varied appearances. Some may be streaky brown, and others feature blue or red plumage.

Wood Thrushes are forest-interior birds and are unlikely to come to feeders. However, they are still common and may be audible from your yard if you live near small woodlots. The Song Thrush is a thrush that breeds across the West Palearctic. It has brown upper-parts and black-spotted cream or buff underparts and has three recognised subspecies. Its distinctive song, which has repeated musical phrases, has frequently been referred to in poetry.

Most Thrushes have plump bodies with short tails and strong legs. Their beaks are relatively large and curved, and their wings are relatively long and pointed. Unlike many other types of birds, thrushes do not typically form flocks

.Instead, they live solitary lives, only coming together to mate. However, they are very social creatures, and their musical songs are often heard in the forest. Though they are not the most brightly colored birds, Thrushes are nonetheless beautiful creatures that play an important role in the ecosystem. Today, the Thrush remains a popular symbol of innocence and purity, as well as a reminder of the simple pleasures of nature. Its cheerful song is still considered one of the most beautiful sounds in the world, making it a fitting emblem for all those who appreciate the power of music. However, most Thrushes have fairly dull plumage, with brown or gray being the dominant colors. They also tend to have streaked breasts and round, plump bodies. The length of these birds can vary somewhat, but they typically range from 4-8 inches long.

Although they are not the most colorful birds in the world, Thrushes are known for their beautiful melodies. Many species of Thrush sing complex songs with multiple notes, making them a favorite among birdwatchers.

Everett's Thrush

Zoothera everetti


White's Thrush


Zoothera aurea




Chlamydochaera jefferyi


Siberian Thrush


Geokichla sibirica


Chestnut-capped Thrush


Geokichla interpres


Orange-headed Thrush


Geokichla citrina


Chinese Blackbird


Turdus mandarinus


Japanese Thrush


Turdus cardis


Gray-sided Thrush


Turdus feae


Eye-browed Thrush


Turdus obscurus


Island Thrush


Turdus poliocephalus


Red-throated Thrush


Turdus ruficollis


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