Malaysian Birds



Many of these birds were formerly classified as Parus.

Members of this family are commonly referred to as “Tits” in the English-speaking world. In North America, they are known as “Chickadees” or “Titmice.” The word “titmouse” dates back to the 14th century, when it was derived from the Old English mase, Germanic *maison; Modern Dutch mees; German Meise

World wide there 55 species passerine birds, especially in the Northern Hemisphere and Africa, make up the Paridae family. These little birds are also known as types of Tit birds. There are 9 species in South east asai and Malaysia has only 2 spceies

The two Tits we have are Sultan Tits which is medium and the Cineroeus Tit slightly smaller. Small, hardy, and common in the selected forest, found in all levels of the tree.

tThese species in this category have short, hefty beaks. The Sultan Tit  even have fancy crests! and genrally haves strikingly pattern plumage. Gregarious and very active birds

In addition to seeds, these birds also eat insects, demonstrating their adaptability. Many different kinds of tit birds congregate around human settlements. Both our species are strictly forest birds.!


Sultan Tit


Melanochlora sultanea


Cinereous Tit

Parus cinereus



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