Malaysian Birds


Almost everyone that I know who are not involved with birds has not come across the term "Babbler"

Well,  this is the name for a type of small birds found in the wilderness - Forest and hills The closest that the birds ever got involved with human habitats are those public parks with forest fringes. Even then, rather rare too. I have compiled a list of Babblers that could seen in Malaysia. Quite astonishing numbers 38 species. Much larger than that for Flycatchers family. In fact, Babblers form the largest bird family
These are small birds not tiny sharing the sizes of the commonly seen Sunbirds or Flycatchers, are in drab brown colours. They move within and among scrubs and low trees. Very significant for this group of birds is that they make rather low loud calls repeatedly. Melodic and repetitive most times. So the birds, often heard but never seen. If they do come out in the open, it would've for brief seconds They are not shy birds and would hang around remaining undetected
Only a couple of species stay near to parks, I would say almost all of them, most birds remain in thick or pristine undisturbed forest area

Babblers batch A


1. Abbott's Babbler
2. Black-capped Babbler
3. Black-throated Babbler
4. Buff-breasted Babbler
5 Collared Babbler


6. Chestnut-winged Babbler


7. Chestnut-rumped Babbler
8. Ferruginous Babbler
9. Golden Babbler
10. Gray-breasted Babbler
11. Gray-headed Babbler
12. Gray-throated Babbler

Babblers batch B

13. Horsfield's Babbler


14. Moustached Babbler
15.Puff-throated Babbler
16. Sooty-capped Babbler
17. Scaly-crowned Babbler
18. Rufous-crowned Babbler
19.Rufous-fronted Babbler
20. Rufous-winged Fulvetta
21. Short-tailed Babbler
22. Temminck's Babbler
23. White-chested Babbler


24. White-Hooded Babbler
25.White-necked Babbler

 Babblers-related Batch C


26. Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler
27. Large Scimitar-Babbler


28. Bold-striped Tit-Babbler
29. Pin-striped Tit-Babbler
30. Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler


31.Black-throated Wren-Babbler
32. Bornean Wren-Babbler


33. Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler
34. Marbled Wren-Babbler
35. Mountain Wren-Babbler
36. Large Wren-Babbler
37. Striped Wren-Babbler
38. Streaked Wren-Babbler




Having completed this task of listing them out, Babblers are not such difficult birds to scout for. Their numbers "38" appears very large and the size "minute". Actually it is a number game here. All that's needed are more frequent trips to different jungle and remote patches. A hide and plenty of patience. The list of birds would be collected and assembled.

I think the main deterrent is that the birds are not colourful, little known and getting them as lifers has nothing to show off for.

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