Malaysian Birds - Plovers

This is a family of birds with short bills that forages on mudflats and wetlands. Plovers are from the family of Charadriidae. This family has 66 birds given the various common names. Unlike birds with long bills that prod into the mud to locate their food, Plovers hunt by sight. One characteristic that the birds would scurry for short pace to grab it's prey.

Plovers are plumb breasted birds which are 15-30 cm in size. They have long wings and moderately long legs with short neck. The bill is shorter than their head. Most species are plain brown, grey or sand coloured. Almost all belies are whitish
Plovers in wide open mudflats have little concerns for approaching human. The safe distances and open free terrain give them that assurances. Then there are those Plovers foraging in wetlands among grasses. Their behaviour then, are slightly different. They could be startled by sudden appearances of moving objects. Here they would display to he second trait. They would stay absolutely still and wait for the next move. in this page again I have narrowed down to birds bearing the name "Plover"



1. Black-bellied Plover


2. Kentish Plover


3. Long-billed Plover


4. Malaysian Plover



5. Oriental Plover



6. Pacific Golden Plover


Sand Plovers

Both Greater and Lesser Sand Plovers have near identical looks

Ring Plovers have white heads and black band across the breast.


7. Greater Sand Plover

  8. Lesser Sand Plover  
  9. Common Ringed Plover



10. Little Ringed Plover




It is surprising that ai have added in a different group of birds in this page.

Lapwings belong to another family Vanellinae but traditionally Lapwing are called Plovers

I have grouped them together in one page to show that they are not in the same family


11. Gray-headed Lapwing


12. Red-wattled Lapwing



13. Yellow-wattled Lapwing



I find that it is easier to identify Plovers, after narrowing down to their short bills. Then Plover normally moves about in bigger community. So even though the birds are in a mixed flock, it is still easier to identify them


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