Malaysian Birds - Lesser Adjuctant

Now we are in September time to meet up with the Waders year 2020. Well, they had started their journey south and had made appearances in August, question is - when will the the big contingents coming to our shores?  So we went to the beaches.  Eh! Not so crowded. So bad that in Pantai Remis, Selangor, not a single bird other than the pair of Lesser Adjutants, far out in the mudflats. To be fair, waders population right now, may be a bit thin. In an  earlier session at Sungei Serdang we did encounter a sizable crowd but had quickly dispersed on the sight of human presence. The emptiness now meant, there wasn't enough marauding crowd to keep replacing flocks that left. Don't worry for today's trip report, we will make do with what I have got the couple of lonely birds

Not bad! I could do some practice in getting more pictures

Yeah! it would be monotonous report, but quick thinking allows me to add in some colors. On 17th October, 2010 almost 10 years ago. Give a good impression as to the size of the largest bird that we could meet up with in Malaysia

The bird has rather long neck too, Now in flight bent as a figure "S"

Now another time in flight, drawn inwards

Most photographers that I met love meeting up with large birds as their subject. But not this one. It is not colorful and at the same time, with their bald head is not an appealing model.

May not meet up with these birds easily, but can be spotted from afar. Actually they are quite friendly, do not fly away even when people are around. But they do keep a distance comfortable to themselves

This was the closest ground o forage near to their nesting area

Lastly, a picture of the bird at a far distance over 500 feet away, could faintly make out silhouettes of waders in the back ground.

A bird in flight

Standing on a pole within the Mangrove forest

This is picture of the whole flock in a padifiels

They do gather in the mudflats but not often seen

Another day of outing, not too god but not too bad depends on what one expects as results



With Will Would Wander