Malaysian Birds

 Fire-tufted Barbet

Size & diagnostic markings:- 28 Cm. Though not the largest but this is a big Barbet. This unique bird has ivory-greenish bill with a faint vertical black band at the center. Throat whitish with a yellow band across the chest lined in black. More features - the forehead and lores black with a prominent red tuft appearing as spines from the base of the upper bill.

Distribution :-  This is a bird from Sumatra but also a very common bird in our sub-montane hill stations.

Habitats & preferences:- For us, the Fire-tufted barbet stays in the forest of the sub-montane climate

Fire-tufted Barbet is member of the club of big Barbets, though not the biggest. It is 28 cm and has an unique bill. Yellowish with vertical bands at the center. Though it is a large bird, not easy to spot this green bird among the foliage, even its rough whereabouts is betrayed  by its call.. Its presence is announced by a series of Cicadas type calls. Again quite a common occurrence in the resort areas in Frasers Hills. 

It is not a shy bird and make no attempt to disappeared when human presence detected. Meaning they do visited gardens of holiday homes. I have seen them as a solitary bird but have also seen them in pairs, perhaps it was during the breeding season. Then when it comes to feeding in the fruiting season, the whole community of Fire-tufted would descend on that particular tree.


Fire-tufted Barbet's pix #  1

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix # . 2

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix # . 3

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix #  4

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix # . 5

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix # . 6

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix # . 7

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix #  8

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix #  9

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix # . 10

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix #  11

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix # 12

Fire-tufted Barbet's pix #  13


The Fire-tufted Barbet crawl like a Parrot and in doing so, assisted by it's beak the way Parrot do. With its prominent looking beak, makes it appear larger than it actually is. The black bar on the beak, red tuft and the yellow breast band, resembling a work of art. We nick-named the bird "Picasso Bird". Then those other birders who are used to seeing Toucan, says it has vague resemblance  to a Toucan-Barbet. Having seen it yourself, you will agree that this Barbet looks unique and again, another Barbet which is an easy bird to ID

Oh! The bird makes a series of loud, ugly, Cicadas tone of calling

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With Will would Wander