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Malaysian Birds - Cutia


This is a bird from the Himalayas region. Its scientific name has closely reflected it's Nepalese origin. Each year, a  small numbers of this species would come south during the time of northern winters. Of course, they would opt for locality of cool climate, like our Montane mountain peaks. So often, it was reported seen in Gunong Ulu Kali and lately in peaks of Gunong Brinchang. Somehow, even areas in Fraser Hill, considered by bird watcher as sub Montane, the Cutia found the environment suitable. I have seen the birds in Fraser's Hills more than once. It is not a shy bird but little is known of its preferences So it is not easy to wait for its appearances at a fixed location. Moreover the numbers reaching Malaysia is extremely small. Rate of accidental meeting up is very very low.

Cutia's picture No. 1

Cutia's picture No.2

Cutia's picture No.  3

Cutia's picture No.  4

Cutia's picture No.  5

Cutia's picture No.  6

Cutia's picture No.  7

Cutia's picture No.  8

Cutia's picture No.  9

Cutia's picture No.  10

After  years of bird watching, I did get some pictures of the birds from both Gunoung Ulu Kali and Frasers Hills. Within all the pictures, none was presentable as they were impromptu shots. Useful as records only


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