Malaysian Birds

 Oriental Darter

You have reach a page by Teh Eh Pong. On this page would be pictures taken in Selangor of a Darter in action

Oriental Darter [ 黑腹蛇鹈]

Darters belong to the family of Anhingas. Unlike other birds, they have only one name - Darter. They have long necks and thus commonly know as "snakebird". World wide there are 3 species and spread throughout the whole world. hence in the east, we add on a name and call ours Oriental Darter. The bird spent long time under water to get its victim or food. Likewise when the chicks are hatch and taking some time to get their feathers, in time of trouble, the chicks too dive under water to escape from danger.

Oriental Darter's pix#  1

Oriental Darter's pix#  2

Oriental Darter's pix#   3

Oriental Darter's pix#   4

Oriental Darter's pix#  . 5

Oriental Darter's pix#  6

Oriental Darter's pix#  7

Oriental Darter's pix#  8

Oriental Darter's pix#  9

Oriental Darter's pix#   10

Oriental Darter's pix#   11

Oriental Darter's pix#   12

Oriental Darter's pix#   13

Oriental Darter's pix#   14

Oriental Darter's pix#   15

Oriental Darter's pix#  . 16

Oriental Darter's pix#   17


This is not a common bird in Peninsula Malaysia, for birders imperative to add this bird to their list of collection, they need to be in Sabah to fulfill their wish. For years now, most people had done that until 2020, this bird was spotted in Serdang, Malam Nawar and now in Batang Berjuntai.


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