Malaysian Birds - Malayan Laughingthrush


Size & diagnostic markings:- 28 Cm. The Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush now renamed as the Malayan Laughingthrush is definitely a stockier bird at 28 cm. The bird is more olive-gray in color and has olive fringing on the wings and tail. The crown in prominently rufous-chestnut surrounded by a silvery gray supercilium and ear coverts. The white eye ring is very prominent but the bill is black.

This Laughingthrush is around 27 cm long but the whole bird appears broader and larger. This is a resident of the Himalayas foothills in India and China. In Malaysia it has taken up resident in the montane region and a common bird.

In the splitting process, a new genus "Trochalopteron" would be introduced and the new name given to this bird would Trochalopteron peninsulae and the common name Malayan Laughingthrush.

Very so often I had seen the bird foraging on the ground. Walking out suddenly from the bushes and returning into the bushes the same way. Many photos below also confirm that point, as the birds had their pictures taken while on the ground. Unlike the Chestnut-capped which were seen frequently, the Chestnut-crowned was hardly encountered as there was no reason for them to stay in the open other than the reason of picking up their meals.

Malayan Laughingthrush's picture No. 1

Malayan Laughingthrush's picture No. 2

Malayan Laughingthrush's picture No. 3

Malayan Laughingthrush's picture No. 4

Malayan Laughingthrush's picture No. 5

Malayan Laughingthrush's picture No. 6

Malayan Laughingthrush's picture No. 7

Malayan Laughingthrush's picture No. 8

Malayan Laughingthrush's picture No. 9

Malayan Laughingthrush's picture No. 10

This species of Laughingthrush is well domesticated over the years, in Fraser's Hills and in Gunong Ulu Kali peak. So find a spot in the montane environment where they would be looking for food. Sure the birds could be spotted with ease. Like all Laughingthrushes, their continuous calls will signal their presence. Unlike the Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush, this bird is more wearied about human presence, though it doesn't show. They do not take flight or hastily makes their exit after spotting the human, but would be moving swiftly and after a short while leave the spot. The bird would appear singly and do not appear as a group and taking turns for isolated bird to appear into the open as the Chestnut-capped would do. The bird appear alone but they do fly in small group of 3-5 birds.


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