Malaysian Birds - Mangrove Pitta


Size & diagnostic markings:-  21 Cm. The Mangrove Pitta sharing the same body shape and colorization with the Blue-winged Pitta is slightly larger at 21 cm. The features are almost identical with the differences listed out on the table above. Instead giving a brief run through, I have expanded the page and listing out the comparative differences between the 2 birds.

Distribution :-  This is a bird from the Southern Bangladesh and Sumatra. To me those Mangrove Pittas I encountered in Pulau Indah seem migratory. getting to hear them calling during the winter months. But then again, only with the experiences of one or 2 season, their stay here is rather long too

Habitats & preferences:- As the name implies, this is a bird of the Mangrove forest. The catch is that the bird forages over a large area. Most times so far away that though in the same area, their presence is not detected as the calls are lost.

The Mangrove Pitta like most Pitta calls regularly and it is these calls that confirms its presence in the area. In Air Itam Dalam in Penang, I had met up with the birds a couple of times without hearing its calls. These encounters were very brief as the bird is a shy bird eagerly wanting to stay out of sight.

But with the bird in Pulau Indah, these Pittas were almost domesticated displaying quite a different behavior. There was also other Mangrove Pitta in another part of Pulau Indah showing the conventional Pitta behaviors of shying away from humans.

I am happy that in this age of electronic advancement, making out the real ID of birds is not a mystery especially with the minor deviation. In the table above, I could make out the subtle differences between the Blue-winged and the Mangrove Pitta. The result? The differences were so obvious and not a matter of guest work.


Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 1


Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 2

Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 3

Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 4

Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 5

Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 6

Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 7

Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 8

Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 9

Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 10

Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 11

Mangrove Pitta's picture No. 12

In most mangrove forest where the calls could be heard. Its best to learn from birders or the locals whether such calls have being heard in any particular patch of the mangrove forest. Luckily or sadly there are not many patches of mangrove left in the whole Peninusla.



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