Malaysian Birds

 Blue Rock Thrush

I had a fascinating experience preparing a page on the Rock Thrush. It all began when I encountered this peculiar-looking bird in Gua Mustang town. What made it particularly unexpected was the urban setting, the distance between us, and the fading evening light. The resulting series of blurry pictures evokes a flood of memories—birding alone, encountering unidentified birds, and creating a genuine record of my birding outing.

Fast forward to a contrasting scenario in Kek Loke Thong, Ipoh, where I captured a second set of pictures. Here, photographers were guided comfortably to their avian subjects. A striking example of the stark contrast lies in the quality of the images; my rudimentary camera produced pictures nowhere near the caliber of those captured by the bird's dedicated photographers. This stark juxtaposition highlights the evolution of my birding experiences, from chance encounters in urban landscapes to guided photo sessions in more controlled environments.


Pix # 1 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 2 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 3 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 4 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 5 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 6 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 7 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 8 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 9 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 10 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 11 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 12 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 13 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 14 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 15 Blue Rock Thrush

Pix # 16 Blue Rock Thrush

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