Malaysian Birds

Baya Weaver


Among the Weaver bird's family , the Baya weaver (Ploceus philippinus)  found across the Indian Subcontinent, south and south-west China, down to Sumatra and Java. In Southeast Asia, it is an uncommon bird in Indochina but rather common resident in Peninsula Malaysia.

The bird practiced community living where by a flock would together and build their own nest. Their choice of environment as I can see, perhaps near to human habitat but with one important point. The host tree is inaccessible. These could be some precarious slopes, thick under grown or amidst a wetland. Normally the surrounding would also have grasses with long blade where they could harvest their leafy materials. manually.

  These nest colonies are usually found on thorny trees or palm fronds and the nests are often built near water or hanging over water where predators cannot reach easily. They are widespread and common within their range but are prone to local, seasonal movements mainly in response to rain and food availability.

 A lot of follow-up has been done on their method of weaving and found that an average nest would have a combined usage 3,300 blade of grasses. The nest would be completed in 2 stages. First the male would build an inverted cup shape nest. When completed, a selected female would be asked to inspect the construction. If approved, both birds would then complete the lower portion which would incorporate an exit funnel facing down wards.

To make the nesting period interesting, the male with their breeding plumage of bright yellow is very colourful

 #1 Baya Weaver

 #2 Baya Weaver

 #3 Baya Weaver

#4 Baya Weaver

#5 Baya Weaver



#6 Baya Weaver

#7 Baya Weaver

#8 Baya Weaver

#9 Baya Weaver

#10 Baya Weaver

#11 Baya Weaver

#12 Baya Weaver

#13 Baya Weaver



             With   Will  Would  Wander