Today Sunday 11th December I decided to work on my own Butterfly List and starting consolidating hat I have collected to date

A Look into what I have got

MyButterfly# 109

A3. Graphium doson evemonides   Common Jay



MyButterfly# 108

A5 - Pachliopta aristolochiae asteris  Common Rose

MyButterfly# 107

A5 - Pachliopta aristolochiae asteris  Common Rose

MyButterfly Collection # 106

MyButterfly# 105

A8 Papilio demolion demolion  Banded Swallowtail

MyButterfly# 104

MyButterfly# 103

 A10. Papilio memnon agenor - Great Mormon

MyButterfly# 102

A13 Pathysa antiphates itamputi  Five Bar Swordtail

MyButterfly# 101 

A14 Troides helena cerberus - Common Birdwing

MyButterfly# 100

A14a - Trogonoptera brookiana  - Raja Brooke's Birdwing

Sub Family: Coliadinae

MyButterfly Collection # 99

MyButterfly Collection # 98

MyButterfly# 97  

#21 Eurema-hecabe - Common grass yellow

MyButterfly Collection # 96

Sub Family: Pierinae

MyButterfly# 95

#24-  Tree Yellow  Gandaca hrarina distanti

MyButterfly# 94

#25  Appiasli bythea - Striped Albatross

MyButterfly Collection # 93

MyButterfly Collection # 91

MyButterfly Collection # 90

MyButterfly# 89

 #27. Delias hyparete metarete   - Painted Jezebel

MyButterfly# 88 

 # 29  Leptosia nina malayana   Psyche

MyButterfly# 87

 30 Pieris canidia canidia  Cabbage White

MyButterfly# 86
C 33m - Charaxes Bernardus The Tawny Rajah

MyButterfly# 84

C 33p  Glorious Begum   Agatasa calydonia calydonia 



MyButterfly# 83  -C 35a - Genus Cyrestis

Species CyrestisThyodamas - Common Map

MyButterfly# 82

C 36-Chersonesia peraka peraka The Little Maplet


MyButterfly# 81

C 37  Danaus chrysippus chrysippus       Plain Tiger

MyButterfly# 80

C 39 - Danaus melanippus hegesippus -  Black Veined/White Tiger

Genus Dynamine

MyButterfly# 79

C 39a - Dynamine athemon meon - Ghost Sailor

MyButterfly# 78

C 41  Euploea eyndhovii gardineri   Black crow

MyButterfly# 77

C 43 - Euploea midamus  - Blue Spotted Crow

MyButterfly# 76

C43-3-Euploea midamus  Blue Spotted Crow

 MyButterfly# 75 

C 45 Euploea radamanthus radamanthus - Magpie Crow

MyButterfly#  74   

C 45 Euploea radamanthus radamanthus - Magpie Crow

MyButterfly#  73 

 48 - Idea Stolli - Common Tree  Nymph/Paper Kite Butterfly

MyButterfly# 72

C 49  Ideopsis vulgaris macrina  Blue Glassy Tiger

MyButterfly# 71

50  Parantica agleoides agleoides   Dark Glassy Tiger

MyButterfly# 70

C51     Acraea violae Tawny Coaster

MyButterfly# 69

C53 Cethosia hypsea hypsina   Malay Lacewing

MyButterfly# 66

C53 Cethosia hypsea hypsina   Malay Lacewing

MyButterfly# 65 

C54 Cethosia penthesilea methypsea Orange Lacewing

MyButterfly# 64

C54 Cethosia penthesilea methypsea Orange Lacewing

MyButterfly# 63

C56b Cirrochraoa Surya Siamensis  -  Common Yeoman


MyButterfly# 62

C56d    Dryas iulia  Julia heliconian

MyButterfly Collection # 61

MyButterfly Collection # 60

MyButterfly Collection # 59

MyButterfly# 58

 66 - Euthalia aconthea gurda  - Common Baron

MyButterfly# 57

C73   Lexias canescens pardalina Yellow Archduke

MyButterfly# 56

C75 Lexias pardalis dirteana  -  Common Archduke

MyButterfly# 55

C 75 Lexias pardalis dirteana  - Common Archduke

MyButterfly# 54

C 78 Neptis hylas papaja   Common Sailor

MyButterfly# 53
C 79a- Neptis columella  - Short banded Sailer {Pallssai}
MyButterfly# 52
C 79a-Neptis columella  - Short banded Sailer {Pallssai}

MyButterfly Collection # 51

MyButterfly# 50
C 91 - Doleschallia bisaltide bisaltide  "Leafwing Butterfly" The Autumn Leaf
MyButterfly# 49
C93 Hypolimnas bolina bolina  Large Eggfly
MyButterfly# 48
C 95 - Junonia almana javana - Peacock Pansy

MyButterfly# 47
C 96 Junonia atlites - Grey Pansy
MyButterfly# 46
C 97 - Junonia hedonia ida - Chocolate Pansy
MyButterfly# 44
C 97 - Junonia hedonia ida - Chocolate Pansy

MyButterfly Collection # 43


MyButterfly Collection # 42

MyButterfly# 41
C109 Mycalesis perseoides perseoides Burmese Bush Brown

MyButterfly Collection # 40

MyButterfly#  39   
#112 Dark Bush brown  Orsotriaena medus cinerea
MyButterfly# 38
C 113 - Ypthima Buldus - Common Five Ring
MyButterfly# 37
C 115 - Ypthima huebneri - Common Four Ring
MyButterfly# 36
C 116 YptimaAsterope  - Common Three Ring

MyButterfly Collection # 35

Genus Vagrans
MyButterfly  # 34
C 116A  Vagran Egista - Himalayan Vagrant
MyButterfly  #  33
C 116B - Bassarona dunya - Great Marquis
MyButterfly  #  32  
C 116C - Parthenos sylvia  - Lime  butterfly  "The clipper"

MyButterfly Collection # 31

MyButterfly# 30

 # 148m -  Straight Pierrot  Caleta  roxus

MyButterfly Collection # 29

MyButterfly Collection # 28

MyButterfly# 27  

# 157   Common Posy    Drupadia ravindra moorei

MyButterfly Collection # 26

MyButterfly Collection # 25

MyButterfly Collection # 24

MyButterfly Collection # 23

MyButterfly Collection # 22

MyButterfly Collection # 21

MyButterfly Collection # 20

MyButterfly# 19

#219 m  - Dark Grass Blue

MyButterfly Collection # 18

MyButterfly Collection # 17

MyButterfly Collection # 16

MyButterfly Collection # 15

MyButterfly Collection # 14

MyButterfly Collection # 13

MyButterfly Collection # 12

MyButterfly Collection # 11

My Butterfly Collection # 10

MyButterfly Collection # 9

MyButterfly Collection # 8

MyButterfly Collection # 7

MyButterfly Collection # 6

MyButterfly Collection # 5

MyButterfly Collection # 4

MyButterfly Collection # 3

MyButterfly  # 2

MyButterfly Collection # 1




Very interesting after curtailing my expectations and knowing my direction as to where I wanted to go and now where I should be heading - feel more confident to fumble first and then do refinement.

 Starting from the unknown, starting from the known, my earliest inclusion is the Raja Brooke, the one and only butterfly I know. These pictures were accidental take with a hand held phone. I am moving on, slowly but surely. This page on Nymphalid is really a "green field" for me. I have never heard of that family leave alone the species within that family. Still looking for the field guide to help me out. Where and what to buy? Lazada is not helping out.



With  Will  Will  Wander