
Malaysian Birds

Asian Glossy Starling

When the name Starling is mentioned, it typically evokes a familiar image in
the minds of most people. These birds are known for gathering in immense flocks,
creating a spectacle reminiscent of dark clouds. However, in Malaysia, we are
fortunate to have a species of Starlings that are local to the region and exist
in much smaller numbers.

Fortunately, the Starlings in our area are not considered pests, and they are a
common sight. Typically, their gatherings consist of around 15 birds, and during
times when trees, such as Ficus  bears fruit, the flock may increase to around
100 birds in the vicinity.

Normally, these birds move about in small roving
flocks, but during fruiting seasons, their numbers can grow significantly.
Interestingly, in heavy overcast conditions, the Starlings interrupt their
feeding habits to congregate on rooftop areas.

During such times, several flocks
may come together, forming groups as large as 50 to 60 birds. In exceptional
situations, such as during the roosting period, I have observed them gathering
in flocks reaching up to 500 birds.

First introducing the black bird with red eyes.

No eyes in top picture? Yes this one has! But it is not black. It is a sub adult Still having those streaks but turning black


Now a full side view. That very prominent red eye.


This is a full adult, having a go at my favorite fruit Again that red eye stands out against the dark body.


OK! chance to se the gloss. Picture taken in the shadows with mo direct sunlight.


Still I brought out examples of "Gloss" of the greenish blue hue.


The birds had eaten so much! So sacrifice the fruit for my photo collection session.

About them gathering? Though caught here only as a pair here, there were more of them around


Now with sunlight, the gloss becomes more prominent.


Ooops! not staying for more shots.

This picture taken outside of my garden. Again in bright sunlight, the gloss stands out but not the colour

Lots of attempts in trying to get that colour out

Kept me occupied in chasing this common "trash" bird.


Very unusual, instead of looking for fruits on the tree, it was looking at the ground.

Yes, the bird do pick up fruit or edibles dropped on to the floor.

One more try for me to get the colour, before I finish this page,

 For this bird, the attractive point is its name "Glossy". Good subject to be after.

Another point about the Glossy Starlings, when they are feeding, I cannot understand the reason for the constant chirpings. Considering the number of birds doing that simultaneously, like noises in a Chinese restaurant in peak hours.. This seemingly endless chirping by a flock collectively could be quite irritating and could last for hours.


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       With  Will  Would Wander