Historical flash back

Fraser's Hill Bird Race - 2007

The Opening ceremony was held on the weekend of the 23rd & 24th June 2007. The opening ceremony was presided by Ygbg Dato Dr. Salleh b. Mohd Nor ,  District Officer for Raub, the State of Pahang.

This year  a total of 43 teams with the total number of 129 participants. Their breakdown are Domestic - 27 teams, International - 6 teams and Students - another 10 teams.

While the Bird Race was on, we took opportunity to do some birding ourselves. What you see in these pictures are not common Malaysian scenes. No one goes around Malaysia with binoculars to watch birds. Most times you will see enthusiast lugging around cameras with huge lenses

Frasers Hills Bird Race 2007 # 1

Frasers Hills Bird Race 2007 # 2

Yes, another picture of we stopping beside the road. Our favourite stretch then was the Telecom Loop.

Frasers Hills Bird Race 2007 # 31

Yes, this scene with huge camera looks more contemporary by today's standard.  At the ceremony venue, Jimmy Chew showing off this equipment. He was among the pioneers using long lenses then. The early birds. Not many photographers with huge lenses. Behind him, another cameraman trying out his mirror scope and doing a "Digiscoping". It was that time, the few authentic birders were still at loggerhead with the new breed bird seeking people carrying camera and long lenses.

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A picture with Sutari [a die hard birder] with his telescopic mike recording bird calls

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The Long-tailed Broadbill nest with baby chick just fledged

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I was still going after flowers from the wild ginger plants

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Now a group of spectators seated inside the tent provided for the ceremony

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Quite a mixed crowd

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The closing ceremony & prize giving ceremony was held on on the 24th June Sunday

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The tent in front of the podium!

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Rajan on duty.

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Prize giving was done Dato Seri Azmi Khalid, Minister of the Local Resources and Environment.

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For the Student category Team Seperir A  [41 species] , Sepetir B [33 species] Honeydew [30 species]

For the novice category The Broadbills [58 species] Team N2J [48 species] and Team Air Puteh [47 species]

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Yang Chong getting his memento for helping out with the event

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The team of workers covering the event

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Prize giving

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Uncle Foo - center. Enjoying a relaxing moments before reaching his turn to collect the prizes.

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Uncle Foo going up to the podium 2nd year in a row.

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The winner for the Advance group - Team Banded Pittas with 93 species. Uncle Foo receiving the Trophy.

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This is Team Flycatchers landing 83 species in 3rd placing


Frasers Hills Bird Race 2007 # 21

The Team Standard Wings with 89 species was the runners-up

This was one event I had a good number of pictures taken. I have been following through and stayed with the Frasers Hills Bird Race since the year 2003. This was the last year that I diligently kept pace. Taking pictures and keeping records etc. This would be the last time I did that. I again did join watching the events in 2010 but have not open a page on it.

Many questions were asked as to why I have never participated in the events? I don't know! I suppose it would be the same reason why many of fellows mate had abstained from it too.



       With  Will  Will  Wander