Cycle & Carriage Bintang


I can't decide if it was a blessing or a misfortune that my wonderful career and hobby were cut short by two years. In exchange, I received a generous severance package and my own car. During that time, I experienced many facets and a highly diverse environment.

 I feel privileged to be able to look back at pictures of all the people I once knew and crossed paths with, allowing me to reminisce about those phases of my life while at work.


Part 1 -The management

1 - The management team

L-R Lim Ngit Seong [3]Peter Ng [4] Lee Hoo Leng [5]Chua Boon Aun [6] Thomas Chua[7] Chua Boon Peng[8] Chua Bee Eng

2 - Board of Directors - Asia Automobile Industries

Myself [2] Chow Sek Cheong [3]Ti Teow Yong [4]Tan Sri Basir  [6]Thomas Chua

3 - Management team - Mazda Launch

Clement Soo Ti Teow Young

4 - CCB Share Holders Meeting

[2] Mohd Hassan [3] Tan Boon Hock [4]Myself [5] Lee Eng Eng


[1] Paul Low [2]Ho Teck Keong[3] Khoo Khay Chye [6] Peter Lim  [6] Harcharan Singh [7] Kato [8] Myself [9] Lau

6 - The Mercedes Benz managers

Mohd Nor, Myself ,Tan Boon Hock, Herbert Nitsch

7 - Plant Tour

Peter Fessele, Elma Hudde, Myself, Mohd Hassan

8 - Chairman - Management Board - Daimler Benz AG

Raymond Lye, Marcel Gnos, Chairman, Herbert Gruenwald

1 - Chairman - Mazda Motor Corporation Japan

Part 2 -The Factory

2 - Lot 11 Jalan 225

Left edge - Sharp Corporation

2 - Bridge Lot9 Linking Lot 11

Erosion Problem - Kok Kee San

2 - Mercedes Benz Truck assembly line

Arifin & Hamzah

3 - Mercedes Benz Truck assembly line

Brazilian L1313

4- Mercedes Benz Truck assembly line

German L911 Truck

5 - Spray Painting

Passenger cars W 201

6 - AAI - Building

Mazda Bongo Van Line

Part 2.2 -The Personnel

1- Staff and Managers - Assembly plant

Chong Nam Seng

2- Staff and Managers - Assembly plant

Looi Siew Thong

2 - Shop floor employees

Maintenance Team = Loke Chee Wan,  Wee Men Hin, Naiman, Lim

3 - Daimler Benz Representative

Marcel Gnos

4 - Joann Lee

5 - Ong Soo Kian

5 - Pang Tze Mooi

Part 2.3 -Myself

Lot 11 Office

Lot 11 Office

2 - Lot 9 - Third Office

3 - Mazda Launch

Local Content Office

Part 2.3 -My Assistances

"Tommy" Toshiro Maschine

2 - Mazda CKD chief

3 - Supportive staff

Mazda Motors - AAI

2 - CCB - Daimler Benz

B. Bodemer [passenger Car] Myself, Raymond Lai [GM] J. Diemer [ Trucks]

Part 2.4 -People I worked with

2 - NPC Training Course 1970

Work Study - Chua Tiong Aun

2 - My staff - Truck Assembly

Myself, wifey, Jasbir Kuar, Emily Chooi, Alan Hogan , ???, Poon Tai Cheong

2 - Causal Talk

Alan Hogan

2 -Management By Objective - Hyatt Kuantan

Mohd Ali, Myself, Lee Eng Eng

3 - Plant Security

Ang Ping Seong

4 - Get Togther

Peter Tan & Pang Sze Mooi. Missing picture would be that of Fong Peng Yuen & Yee Mun Seng

5 - Get Together

Siew Khai Yuen & Tommy Maschine

Part 6 -1 -Launching Car Assembly Line

The W 201 Launch in PJ

Herbert Mitsch & his German technicians here to assist

2 - Mohd Hassan supervising the release

Brazilian Trucks Assembled in Malaysia

Brazilian technicians

Brazilian technicians

Part 6 -2 -Tasks of a GM

1- Meeting the independent Stockist

2 - Granting certificates to Trainee Mechanics

3 - Officiating Company's functions

3 - Officiating Company's functions

4 - Attending to foreign celebrities

5 - Bridging the German & Japanese gap

6 - Conducting Office Functions

Helena seen here

7 - Official Launching of New Models

8 - Facilitating Plant Tours

9 - Accompanying "Boss" on overseas Tour

Thomas Chua seen here with Ti Teow Yong

10 - Conducting meeting with Trade Union

6 - Chairing Joint  Union Exchanges

CCB House Union with Mazda Motors Workers Union

Part 7 - 7 Private Office Party

1- Gnos Birthday celebration

Looking on Sally, Cheong Kai Fun, Betty

2 - My birthday Tea time

Wong Kim Teck, Wan Wah Sui, Mat Desa & Rosemary

3 - M. Gnos receiving a gift

Looks like the Pewter knife that he had requested for.

4 - Must be Christmas

B. Reuter cutting the beacon, looking on is Peter Tan

5 - Follow up shot

This time Miss Ong in the picture

6 - Another shot

There was Sally

Part 7 - 3 Happy Hour Time

1 - Our Regular haunt - Black Forest SEA Park

We had many months and hours of happy time in that place The regular haunt where we brought most of our visitors

2 - Some of the memorable shots of the times

Peter Fessele with Rosemary


Tommy-san, My regular drinking kaki


What a shot?


Hana was the resident singer


Karlheinz Niedermeir  with Kee San


I remember her name as Rose


Zabid - from a royal family, very tolerant guys kept us company in a pub. That was singer "Hana"

Part 7 -8 Christmas Party

1 - One of the odd years

We had our own party


That's sally


and Miss Ong

Part 8 -Family Day

1 - A collection of pictures from company annual dinner

Very happy to have a picture my classmate and Boss - Richard Lim with Doris. Must be in 1971

2 - Pictures from the Plant Family day

Chong Yin Yik with Wan Wah Sui


Wifey with Miss Ong


Kok Kee San and Siew Khai Yuen


Chin Sai Fong, lay looks familair though


Chong Nam Seng looking on


Siew Khai Yuen with Miss Lee


Those Ladies were the Wife of Ah Chye and Chong Yin Yik

Part 8A - Company Outing Day

1 - A day in Port Dickson for the whole factory

Giving a speech at the beach

Part 9 - Our Private moments

1 - Rode piggy back

We had our own party - Sally, Miss Ong and Ann Yeap

2 - Rode piggy back

Of course Siew the organiser

3 - Rode piggy back

And our guest from Brazil

4 - This was my private party in Beobilingan

I hosted a Chinese dinner for the stall of the CKD Dept That's was Papa Stoll, Nitsch and Otto schimdt

5 - More pictures

Otto and myself great buddies and the left G Bodemer

6 - In the office

At Otto's desk

7 - We had our private outing

This is Bodemer


and Grunwald


Pap Stoll at my Hotel


Petee Fessele on his private visit to Malaysia In between Gun Huat and Eddie Yee


Another Party together with our family/ Tong Ah Chye


A German couple - Friends of my contact

This page has brought back many fond memories. There are still tons of pictures I need to work on, but having this page is enough to fulfil my wishes.

All these are my memories - good ones and I could not find another to share


       With  Will  Will  Wander