"Adventure" in Kampar Street Art


It's not easy to arrange a get together especially if it is an extended long outing. Well we made it!

In order to make the trip worthwhile and interesting we had planned for a few events. So it went very smooth

Jan did some reading up and found that a new addition to Kampar was this Street fad.

1. Kampar Post Office

With the hills as back ground

2. Same street but further down

Street art in the back lane here

3. The same shop with back lane

 scene of back lane before "Street Art" Note that small side door.

4. Start of back lane

That side door properly camouflaged with plants. The air-con units removed and signage erected

5. Looking through

Painting appeared on 2 back lanes

6. Names for the Street arts

So! there is a name for each painting.

7. Name of Elephant?

Yes, I am trying to equate its name with those on the sign post

Kampar Post Office

16. All these where you look are different parts or Sri Damansara

Kampar Post Office

17. There were times we entered the compound of MK's house under construction for our own "looking around"

8. Lata Kinjang

Not abseiling but scaling the waterfalls

9. Nice colours

This one? The near one! Dulang washing

10. Photo Session

11. Graffiti or street art

12. Close -up

13. I know! Raja Brooke

14. Big fish from West Lake

15. Fresh Water or from the sea?

16. Purple Heron

17. Another close-up for details

18. Rafflesia Flower

19. Gua Tempurong

20. Spot on for camera man to stand

21. Visitors for the day

The painting highlighted many interesting sights for the Hinterland. Bet you never expect all these here around Kampar. Yes! They are!

It was a good visit. The pictures or painting are still fresh and colours vibrant. Wold be good comparison, if I am still able to check the same place out again in 5 years time. The I could put up more pictures of "before" and "after".


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