Pin Xiang Restaurant - Aman Suria
Our Swimming kaki Michael Tan is very proud that he has a contact in Kampong Kuala Klau a village somewhere between Temerloh and Jerantut. We had dinner together and I know this couple. Well, from him Micheal could get fresh River Patin Fishes. We always had enjoy dinner with these special fishes until the arrangement was stopped by the Covid Lock Down. Three long years passed we were back again with the old routine. Very good fresh materials and I got the opportunity to add this eatery into the list that I have written so far
Pix # 1 Side view Pin Xiang Restaurant
In Aman Suria area! Now a constant traffic jam destination.
Pix # 2 Next to the once famous Lotus Restaurant
The Aman Suria branch
Pix # 3 Front view Pin Xiang
There are not that many authentic Cantonese restaurant in PJ. This one is among the few.
Pix # 4 Steamed Kampong Chicken in grated ginger
Very well prepared
Pix # 5 Mixed veggie
This is not the regular "Loh Hon Chai" but a Ka heong Chai
Pix # 6 The Yam basket is standard style
Up to us to choose the filings. Obviously here with overflowing amount of Cash chew nut
Pix # 7 "James Bond" and wife joined us
Just had a valve replacement 8 months ago. Could be first gathering but definitely first with us
Pix # 8 Others
I did a cursory representation otherwise would be showing the same regular faces
Pix # 9 Very straight forward Stir fried Spinnach
Really deep fired with traces of Tong Kueh and lard scent
Pix # 10 Oh I must be craving - Pork Kuckle with tendons
Very well prepared but the helping was far too small
Pix # 11 The "start" Patin Fish
The fish is 3 kati-s or as we now called it 1.8 kgs
Our second luncheon meet before the 2023 CNY and all within 10 days. perhaps too close but a good get together.
There were free flowing Cognac XO and Red Wine but few takers