93  Irenidae

Malaysian Birds

 Asian-Fairy Bluebird 

This is a small group of birds under this category which covers Fairy Bluebirds and Leafbirds.

World wide there are only 10 species and out of which 6 are in South east Asia. The 5 Leafbirds had a page on their own and to bring in some similarity to the Leafbirds, I made that past and remote link

This Bluebird is now reclassified as a Irenidae

These birds Bluebirds and Leafbirds are known to feed on berries, insects as well as nectar but more so on berries at times hunting nectar


Asian-Fairy Bluebird   1

Asian-Fairy Bluebird   2

Asian-Fairy Bluebird   3

Asian-Fairy Bluebird   4

Asian-Fairy Bluebird   5

Asian-Fairy Bluebird   6

Asian-Fairy Bluebird   7

Asian-Fairy Bluebird   8

Asian-Fairy Bluebird   9

Asian-Fairy Bluebird   10

Asian-Fairy Bluebird   11

Asian-Fairy Bluebird   12


These are medium sized birds of 25 cm with the same body profile as the very common Bulbul birds and Leafbirds. Because of its fairly large stocky size plus the bright blue color, it should be easy to spot. The bird behaves in 2 ways, it would be seen in very exposed branched but far away in high branches.

This bird with its unique blue hue is an attractive bird and instantly recognizable. However being a forest bird, it choose spot which are thick with foliages, so it is not easy to locate even sensing its presence instantly. The bird has that habit of making continuous though interrupted calls i.e a single note loud contact call, repeated. Then  a melodious series of whistling notes. Familiar with its calls is one important way of detecting its presence.

The bird essentially a fruit eater would join other birds at the fruiting trees. This is the only time that the bird would descend from its usual perch in the middle storey to the lower level. During such occassion the bird do not display any shyness or wearied of human presence to make quick get away.

Contrary to other reports, I have so far seen the male bird all by itself. Not moving in pair nor other individuals feeding together. In other words, never had seen 2 Fairy Bluebirds appearing at the same scene. The report of them foraging in groups may not be out of context, with my little knowledge I am referring to Fairy Bluebirds that I encountered in the Peninsula. Furthermore, the female species is hardly seen and more so, never once seen with the male bird. That also account for the fact I have so little pictures. The couple of pictures I have included here were extracted from a video I made on the female.

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With Will would Wander