Malaysian Birds - Dark-sided Flycatcher


Size & diagnostic markings:- 14 Cm.  This bird shares the same habitats and also appear exactly like the Asian-brown. Likes perching in open branches of the middle storey. Only in selected areas the bird would be seen. Slightly larger at 14 cm but with a smaller and darker bill. The bird is obviously darker brown and more towards grey, giving the bird its name. The eye-ring are also spotted but less pronounced. Critical diagnostic marking are the grayish brown breast, faint streaks and significantly darker upper parts.

Distribution :-  This bird is from the slopes of southern Himalayas all the way from Pakistan through India to western china. Then in the true sense wintering in Malaysia.

Habitats & preferences:- The bird prefers cooler forest with pine trees but during the migration route could also take them through in deep forest of the lowlands. Places where the bird perched are more selective and more of deep forest. By nature of its surrounding, the likelihood of the bird could be determined.

Most of the pictures from this series is taken in the forest of Bukit Tinggi. So far this bird was seen in open branches in the middle storey of tall trees. That choice makes the perch rather high up from the ground. The choice of perch is the same, open well exposed. Besides the more remote location, the differences I noticed is that the spot chosen is higher

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture # 1

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture #  2

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture #  3

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture #  4

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture #  5

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture #  6

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture #  7

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture #  8

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture #  9

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture #  10

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture #  11

Dark-sided Flycatcher's picture #  12


In Malaysia, where can the bird be found:- So far I could only think of deserted forest trails and up in the hills



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