Malaysian Birds - Flycatchers

These are small birds with flatten bills. They may be in blue, brown or grey in colors. World wide there 116 species and of which 42 can be spotted in South-East Countries. From the list below, 33 species was reported seen in Malaysia.

This is one kind of birds that makes bird watching interesting. They are small and most of them on the list are either migrants or passage migrants. It is an annual wait for the period of time each years when the birds are southbound and returning north. Some return to the same locality while others are waiting to be spotted.

For such a large number of birds, I made my personal selection in grouping them into 3 pages to keep the number of birds small as well seeking some similarity for easy references.


The dull coloured Jungle Flycatchers


1. Asian Brown Flycatcher
2. Brown-chested Jungle-Flycatcher
3. Brown-streaked Flycatcher 
4. Chestnut-tailed Jungle-Flycatcher 
5. Dark-sided Flycatcher 
6. Eyebrowed Jungle-Flycatcher 
7. Fulvous-chested Jungle-Flycatcher 
8. Gray-chested Jungle-Flycatcher 
9. Gray-streaked Flycatcher 


The more colourful regular Flycatchers


10. Blue-and-white Flycatcher 
11. Bornean Blue Flycatcher
12. Chinese Blue Flycatcher
13. Ferruginous Flycatcher
14. Green-backed Flycatcher
15. Hill Blue Flycatcher
16. Indigo Flycatcher
17. Indochinese Blue Flycatcher
18. Large Blue Flycatcher
 19. Little Pied Flycatcher
20. Malaysian Blue Flycatcher
21. Mangrove Blue Flycatcher
22.Mugimaki Flycatcher
23. Narcissus Flycatcher
24.Pale Blue Flycatcher
25. Pygmy Flycatcher
26. Rufous-browed Flycatcher
27. Rufous-chested Flycatcher
28. Snowy-browed Flycatcher
29. Sunda Blue Flycatcher
30. Taiga Flycatcher
31. Verditer Flycatcher
32. White-tailed Flycatcher
33. Yellow-rumped Flycatcher
34. Zappey's Flycatcher

These small birds have one feature in common and that is using the rictual bristles to catch flying insects. As for habits, many of them seek regular perch. i.e. opting for the favorite perch and returning to the same perch the whole day or season. Well, some may not but still hang around the vicinity of the tiny locality.

Most of the Flycatchers have weak songs, more like murmuring while a couple have louder whispers.

They are usually alone and perhaps another Flycatcher in the nearby area, but I have yet to see them acting in pair.

Looking for the small Flycatchers is always an interesting task. May they be the normal colorful Flycatchers or the "Blue" Flycatchers. Many of these birds are winter visitors to our country. There must be so much of them in the forest  but not easily seen. They remain in their individual one small location all by themselves. Though being at the right spot, the bird easily encountered, but there is still a task of combing teh forest for them. Those locally available Flycatchers are easy to photograph as typical of Flycatchers, they stay around the same area though not in the same spot as those migrant.

Lastly there is another small number of Flycatchers who are passage migrants. Meeting up with these birds are merely by chance.

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With Will would Wander