Malaysian Birds - Indigo Flycatcher



Size & diagnostic markings:- 13 Cm. As far as I know this bird is very common in the compound of Mount Kota Kinabalu Park. Upper storey and lower storey etc. On the upper part, the head all the way to the rump and like wise on the under part the throat to most part of the belly in Indigo Blue. Like the Verditer Flycatcher, the front of the eye is black. the rear portion of the belly is white. the rest of the wing and tail feathers are gray.1

Distribution :-  The bird is endemic in Borneo

Habitats & preferences:- This is a montane bird and endemic to Borneo island.

This is a montane bird of Flycatcher size -14 cm. Endemic and confined to the Borneo Island, Sumatra and Java. Even in Borneo itself the bird was found only is some mountain peaks such as Mount KK, Gunong Pagon and Ulu Temburong in Sarawak  Then in Kalimantan - Gunong Lunjut and Kayan Mentarang

If they are where they, is a common resident and very tame with little fear of the closeness of humans. It perched on the outer branches of forest edge scrubs. Both male and female sharing same appearance. The amount of white in the tail is very variable.
Nesting is also around the same place at eye level. All my pictures  were taken in the National Park of Mount Kota Kinabalu and there is no need to search for them.

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  1

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  2

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  3

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  4

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  5

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  6

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  7

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  8

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  9

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  10

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  11

Indigo Flycatcher's picture #  12

 In Malaysia, where can the bird be found:- Since I rarely travel to Borneo, I had only seen the bird in Mount Kinabalu



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