Malaysian Birds - Little-pied Flycatcher


Size & diagnostic markings:- 12 Cm. Same habitats and same behavior like the Rufous-browed, supposedly a resident, some months rarely seen but certain months plenty of them around. The Little Pied Flycatcher is easy to spot with its white colored patches. Unmistakable as this is the only pied Flycatcher i.e. in Black & White.1

Distribution :-  This is a bird from the Indian Sub-continent, south west China, the Sundas & Philippines

Habitats & preferences:- This is also a bird of the sub-montane climate , never seen in lower altitude. This bird may have fixed area of operation but most of its time flying all over the place

The Little-pied Flycatcher is marginally smaller than the rest at less than 12 cm. long. This is another bird from the south eastern slopes of the Himalayas, the Sundas & the Philippines.. It is also resident in Malaysia sub-montane

In that altitude and environment, there are only forest and the bird prefers the middle storey but nesting in the lower storey. Very often joins the bird wave of the area and then returning to its own area of perch. Another Flycatcher that was never perched in the same spot for long time but constantly on the move within the small area.

Most commonly seen in Frasers while available in all Malaysia hills resorts. Very distinct and eyes catching white against a forest of green leaves.

Little-pied Flycatcher's picture #  1

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May not be a colorful bird, the Little-pied Flycatcher is active and friendly. A very nice bird to meet and take pictures



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