Bird List - Public Park and open Country

There are a few class of parks, when judged by its suitability as birds habitats
First, the most common -  Park in Housing Estate - these parks are installed with ornamental and shady trees. Usually without fruits, seasonal flowers like Angsana, and not providing enough safety for birds to roost without being disturbed. Then lots of with human presence,  larger birds like scavenging Crows are common visitors
District Parks- These are larger Parks or just an enlarged version of residential parks found in urban suburbs. Likewise, reisdents staying in smaller township, the location of these parks are conveniently located at the edge of town, some even with a forested edge. Of course, in this circumstances, quality of wooded section are conducive for birds to stay and there this place would be experiencing more diversified bird life's
Lastly Recreation and Forest Park. These are usually good birding areas. There would be good diversity and stronger bird life.

Now this would teach you how to start guessing. Check your expectation against actual final results. Then the description that I am trying to convey makes will slowly make some sense

This list is very technical and sending new comers to the deep end Before starting to use the list as guide evaluate the class of park. you are getting involve in and do a mental assessment as to the level of bird life it would support. With your trail and error method, you would learn to be a good birder



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