Empangan Sungei Selangor - Pertak valley


The Selangor River started with its source at the "The Gap". That stretch of river as it passes through the deep valley is known as Sungei Sangloi. Then it was joined by tributaries, the main one as we know is Sungei Chilling, after that junction, the river slows its rush and ended on the Pertak Valley floor, a wide stretch of land, fairly level. Here the Pertak River joins and adds in to the main flow, The main Sangloi River no more gushing, slows to a gentle speed to trip through the myriads river rocks lying on its way. Pertak Valley - this place was paradise. Can show you how flat the land is! This was the farm with orchards and fish ponds on the valley floor.

Bottom pictures. Here was the confluence of Pertak and Sangloi River with nice pool and clear waters.

Kampong Gerachi, unusual for Orang Asli to have a "permanent " settlement, the surroundings were simply heavenly.

I tried to collect as much pictures as posible, having heard that this place would vanish soon.

The river scene beside the village and here one frame showing its resident favourite past times.

A river scene upstream beyond the confluence, only those looking for thrills would go beyond their nice playground.

Now back to more pictures of the happy and carefree children

I was so fascinated and yet sad to know that all these happy moments would be taken away from them

Everywhere I went,  I would make it a point to collect souvenirs. Here is another time leaving my signature behind

The children too, they were fascinated with this award winning car.

Yes, there was the White water activities going on the river at that time. The crowd gathered to get themselves organised.

There the participants leaving the tributary to start their "Creek Run".

A close-up shot from afar.

The date? March 21st 1999. The American Company operating the White Water business had organised a protest against the building of the Dam .

I was among one of the signatories for the protest.

Open Day for Sungei Selangor - the banner says!

This untarred laterite road would eventually becomes the present road that goes round the edge of the Dam

Glad that I had this set of pictures to share with you all - A paradise lost and scenes that never could be re-created.

Fast forward to the year 2020, this picture below shows a road junction and also a blocked road. That's the only tell tale evidence to denotes where the road down to the valley is.

Then a faded signboard within which were dates to show the period at which entry into the valley was forbidden. The dam under construction.

Al in the name of progress. Someone, somewhere have to give way. When the Lord closes a "Door" he opens up a window somewhere else. Stay in touch, there is a compromised new "paradise" nearby.


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