Fading memories and forgotten scenes. But these were important moments in our life. This page served to consolidate what little facts I remember about so the very close to my heart memories. And share it with you.

Memorable Events

The Pertak Valley before the whole valley being turned into a Dam-

Construction of the Empangan Sungei Selangor

 Henry Gurney last fight

Kampar Gravel Pump Tin Mining Museum

Green Ridge - Battle of Kampar to slow Japanese advance

Y2K Year Wk41 - Checking out "Penarian" Route

16th September 1963 -Technical College

Bird Race? What is it? Fraser's Hill Bird Race - Pictures from 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007

Keep On Singing

Karaoke in my house started in 1991

Sungei Way Karaoke Group 

Dexter finishing school 2021

My "Sports Cars"

"Great Old Britain" - my collection of the poor man's sport cars -

My 1st MGB 

The second MGB

 MG "B" GT 

Sunbeam Alpine

 Triumph Spitfire  

My collection of Sports cars.

My Run Around "Dalmatian" Beetle.

The Making Of the VW Beetle


My Thai Odysseys - Ko Samui - Krabi - Trang  etc


Off Road in Jungle Malaysian Jungle - Rompin Endau national Park - Taman Negara Kuala Tahan - Taman Negara Merapoh - Waterfalls hunting


The "VW Club" my jungle car can join the Concourse to admire a thing of beauty - Ipoh Outing - Penang Bandar B'haru - Kuala Lumpur - Atria Beetle Competition

Friends -Buddies- kakis-simply contacts

People that I know

My working mates in Cycle & Carriage Bintang



The portrayal of historical events as special moments and lasting memories often evokes vivid imagery for those who were present. However, attempting to convey the entirety of such experiences to those who were not there can prove challenging.

Memories tend to fade or become fragmented over time, leaving gaps in our understanding. How invaluable it would be if those present had documented the events in a tangible form, providing a more comprehensive account. Yet, even such records, typically authored by participants themselves, may only capture fragments of the whole story.

Nevertheless, the web pages I have authored serve as my contribution, offering fragments of historical narratives for others to explore. While imperfect, they provide a valuable resource for preserving and sharing these moments, bridging the gap between memory and imagination.


With Will Would Wander