Empangan Sungei Selangor - Dam Building


The Empangan Sungei Selangor under construction - these are rare pictures as those responsible for the building has not bothered to share their pictures with the public

First a panoramic view of the whole dam area, while construction was going on.

While the sight is nostalgic when seeing these pictures, the magnificence of the landscape. Massive earth work was being carried out. For me, it was the saddest time to see my playground being slowly taken away.

Nothing to say or elaborate let each picture describe the scenes. Taken from the various parts of this huge area and that the once green valley soon hidden from sight.

This series of few pictures. A sort of closer and closer look at the spillway shaft slowly taking place.

Now you can see where the valley floor where the farmland was once occupying. Such a large widespread space, an rare find in the valley for this mountainous region.

Lower pix. To the extreme left would be the road [ cannot be seen] that I just drove trough while taking pictures. Rather where the present road is!

The valley scene without water - the last look at the lower segment of the valley floor, before it was inundated.  The last look too, at the old and original road that once ran through the valley

Same scene different angle, showing more of the slope at the entrance part of the Dam

The dam wall, looking backwards towards direction of Fraser's Hills  - as seen in today. Only difference is, with construction scene as back ground.

There below pictures, the new road was up and ready first.

Whew! These precious pictures of mine, finally released for sharing.


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