Historical flash back

Frasers Hills Bird Race - 2004

The Opening ceremony was held on Saturday 12th June 2004. Presided by the GM En Ishak b Mokhtar of the Perbadanan kemajuan Bukit Frasers.

This year  a total of 74 teams participated, their demographics was something like 5 of them international class Bird watchers, 10 teams from the IPTA/IPTS standards and 12 teams making up of school children and the rest 47 teams enthusiasts. Among the Participants there are those from 4 overseas countries, UK, Japan, Singapore and Holland.

Having introduced the Bird Race 2004 event, I now return to our personal record in conjunction with that events. Of course, being newbie to this hobby of Bird Watching, I personally was thrilled to be mingling among the experienced and experts in this field. Must mention, that we and myself was not ready to participate as novice, we know so little about Birds, leave alone Birds in Fraser's Hill. This page is a record of ourselves in Fraser's Hill that day

Here is the banner for the occasion. Oh! by the way, the record for the Fraser's Hill Bird race, after passing through so many hands. is not properly kept

Not all the people tagging along with me to Fraser's Hills were involved in Bird Watching. Neither was the Late Uncle Foo birding together with me. We so happen to be friends and met that day, seated together.

Those were the days when Uncle Foo was very much involved with the Malaysian Nature Society,

Picture of the crowd seated inside the canopy for the ceremony.

Now Pekan Bungalow - That's the venue for that year's event

Uncle Foo was quite a well known character in the Birding circle. Though he did not participate in the 2004 events, he was exchanging a few words with the Minister who was acquainted with him.

I happened to be nearby joined in the crowd

The Results

 Novice category ;- 1st Chip Chop Tin - 52 species. 2nd Triple Drogon - 48 species and 3rd The Certified -44 species

Advance:- Marbles Wren - 94 species. 2nd Iora -84 species and 3rd Sparrows - 84 species.

This picture is very special. Those days, in the field, hardly have chance to meet up with photographic enthusiast who were doing bird pictures. Here is a rare picture of one of them. At that time, they were using analog camera.

The closing ceremony was held at 2pm on the 13th June 2004, Sunday. The prizes were given away by YB Dato Maznah bt Mazlan, Chairperson Minister of the Domestic Affair Culture, Arts, Tourism & Women Affairs for the State of Pahang

More pages on the same topic and in this series Bird Race 2005, 2006 & 2007

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