Birds in my garden - Brown Shrike

n each year end migratory season, there would be 3 species of Shrike visiting Peninsula Malaysia. All three of them have their own habits and choice of hunting environment. The most ostentatious as among them would be the juvenile Tiger Shrikes. Appearing in noticeable numbers and calling continuously.. I have yet to see an adult at the beginning of the season. By the time, they are passing us again in late December, i.e.  leaving for the north, they would be beginning to look like sub adult. Then, those who stayed behind until April, we would be able to see them in their full adult plumage. Tiger Shrike goes for forest edge environment. In lowland and hills, plus mangrove forest. For parks with forest edge, you would be meeting up with them, even in open car park.

The second species would be the Brown Shrike. This bird prefers open country. Good numbers too but the birds keep to heir distances from each other. The last group would be the Long-tailed Shrike. Numbers seen are much smaller and the bird prefer remote grasslands. So it very unlikely to meet up with one, until and unless you have information as to where they are spotted.
Having introduced the 3 species and their preference of habitats, I now have this Brown Shrike coming to my garden. A totally inappropriate setting and I cannot tell why. Anyway my first assumption upon hearing the call, this could be a Tiger Shrike. This year, the Brown Shrike surprised me again by its appearance.

Brown Shrike's pictures # 1


Brown Shrike's pictures # 2

Well going through my record,  I noticed this showing had happened before. The pictures seen on this page were assembled from my collection over a period of over 20 years.

These are "pictures" of Shrike and not bird photos. There is s distinction between the two. What happened was whenever I heard the call, I would rush out of the house with my point and shoot Lumix camera to record the scene and marking the dates for the birds presence. Hastily and hand held.


Brown Shrike's pictures # 3

At the fencing of my next door neighbour


Brown Shrike's pictures # 4


Brown Shrike's pictures # 5

Flying towards me and away


Brown Shrike's pictures # 6

On the wire in front of my house


Brown Shrike's pictures # 7

-Brown Shrike's pictures # 8


Brown Shrike's pictures # 9

Brown Shrike's pictures # 10

Brown Shrike's pictures # 11

Brown Shrike's pictures # 12

Brown Shrike's pictures # 13

Brown Shrike's pictures # 14

Same bird, Brown Shrike. Same as the species I would get when I go to the field. What is different here is that I am doing Birding at home. The bird came to look for me, instead of me having a chance meeting in the field. Another form of watching birds.


       With  Will  Would Wander


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