Javan Mynas Size & diagnostic markings:- 25 Cm. Mentioned earlier that the Javan Myna shares many similar features with the Jungle Myna, here again shown by its size of 25 cm. Body color -The body is also uniformly in dark slaty black with contrasting white under tailed covert. Head & Crown - dark blackish crown with ear convert of same tone. Bill- all yellow in color Eyes - yellow Others - The juveniles are more brown with little or no head crest. Distribution :- This bird is a resident in Java and Bali. Introduced into the island of Sumatra. Came over to Peninsula by way of the Rhio island via Singapore.
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In Malaysia, where can the bird be found:- The bird is now predominant from the centre part of west peninsula and southwards Habitats & preferences:- The bird appear in great numbers at the coastal areas and rice fields. Open fields and mangrove forest. Now it is also seen i good numbers in public parks. This bird has a tuft alright. A short one but fairly thick. The other Mynas too are having tuft but not the same thickness and length. In my quick analyze of the bird in the field, important to me would be the absence of the yellow face skin which the Common Myna would have. Next would be the length of the tuft above the beak, the White-vented has sparse but rather lengthy tuft. The last to look for would be the blue shade on the lower beak which the Forest Myna would have. Take time to have a deep impression on the 2 type of crests, then you can become expert of Malaysian Mynas. No way of not seeing the birds as they are every where in my garden.
With Will Would Wander |
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