A chance to see tiny subject really close

Getting myself acquainted with Carpenter Bees

Back on track - a page on Honey Bees in action

Something about Stingless Bees

My collection of DragonFlies

Are these Grasshoppers?

Some Damselfly

Hey! I am into doing "Close-up!"

My record of Keeping up with A. Butterflies of Malaysia

My Basil Leaf plants are flowering



"The topic of Bees is rather abstract, in a sense that not much people get attract to it. We know of Honey Bees and Hornets. For me too, that's how I feel I have that curiosity as to how to buy good and authentic honey Then getting good ways to verify what I bought. Yes, I hardly venture beyond interest on Honey Bee. Well, not until a Carpenter Bee kept appearing in the garden daily. Such an easy subject to practice my macro photography. So that got me started to read more about Bees. One things leads to another A chance encounter with a farm handling Stingless Bees. Like I said earlier, I had met up with Stingless Bees on countless occasion in my walks through the forest, but never look at them twice. After having done a couple of pages, I am on a look out for Bumble Bees"

That was the humble beginning of this page. That was 6th July 2020. Today the topics or interest has varied! I would be doing more on Close-up photography.



                       With  Will  Will  Wander